“It is about 700 thousand households - if half of them were stealing, that wasthe volume I showed you: between 2.4 and 2.7”, Belev said. We will not commentwhat makes him claim that half of the Bulgarians, who use wood for heating, are criminally stealing them? It is more interesting what resources have the so called “environmentalists” used – financial and human in order to make their “survey”. Because, for example, only for the first six months of 2018, the forestry officials of the Executive Forests Agency and the state-owned enterprises, which are hundreds, have carried outabout 172,800 inspectionsof storage, processing, timber trading and timber extraction facilities, motor vehicles, hunters and fishermen. As a result of thoseapproximately 200,000 inspections, there were 5373 statements drawn up in total, and the timber found in violation of theForest Act has been estimated at the amount of ... 6953 cubicmetres.
Even if this figure is smaller than the real one, it is very difficult to imagine how poaching of the other two million cubic metres happened to be hidden, for which the so called “Environmentalists” alerted noisily! The same people that have talked the ears of the whole world off that decares of ancient forests in Pirin Mountain are being cut down in our country, in order tobuild nothing but a lift!
In fact, the bigger problem is that in 90% of the cases the Prosecutor’s office terminates the pre-trial proceedings on identified criminal offenses in the forests due to insubstantiality. Thus, in the opinion of the experts, the illegal actions remain unpunished creating preconditions for new violations.
Therefore, while thefakeenvironmentalistswere giving a press conference on the millions cubic metres allegedly logged timber, the Executing Forest Agency quietlyproposed amendments on the Criminal code concerning more serious sanctions and bigger fines for theillegal logging and poaching.
Nobody is denying the fact that the forests are illegally logged. It is a matter of fact, however, that the measures against this are getting more and more rigid.
We are reminding that the National Assembly has recently voted on the proposals for amending the Criminal Code, made by the United Patriots concerning the increase of the penalties for illegal logging and poaching. The changes inflate double the magnitude compared to those existing so farfor the criminal provisions under the Penal Code.
Therefore, apart from the rise in the level of fines, the introduction of a probation is also envisaged, and the illegal logging of very large amounts, representing a particularly serious case –to allow more than ½ of the property of the guilty person to be confiscated. However, the green octopus does not care about this.It sees thieving Bulgarians, taking from the forests not carts but trucks full of illegally harvested timber – how else could all these 2 plus million cubic metres be transported!
On the principle used for the calculations of the so called “environmentalists” –just like the devil reads the Bible –we can also speculatively “calculate” how many millions BGN or EUR have they taken in order to make their “surveys”.Can’t we?
ИЗТОЧНИК: www.desant.net